Landshape input

Can you generate a terrain from contour lines, point data, cvs?

Welcome to Landshape — and thank you for being the first Holygon community forum poster!

Yes — in Landshape, you can create new Landshape terrain from any existing Sketchup geometry, including from contour lines, faces, surfaces, edges, and points.

You can also generate new Landshape terrain from an existing terrain model, even with bad topology, provided the source is non-Landshape.

If you have it in Sketchup as geometry, you should be able to create Landshape terrain.

To create new terrain from existing geometry:

  1. Preselect the grouped input.
  2. Run Form.

Form should now create new Landshape terrain. Now,

  1. Hide or delete the selected input. It’s good to keep all input on tags.

Like many other commands, when Form is applied, it enters a Set phase. Here, you can use the VCB to microparametricilly reapply parameters while still in the command.

For instance, you can use Form to create a new terrain, and while still in Form, you can change mesh density.

Note that currently, the Landshape operations that use geometry input expect this input to be grouped. So if you have any raw geometry, you need to group it first, before running the command.

Note that we are in a Beta stage. There are short tutorial videos coming, but please expect usage documentation to remain scarce for a while.

Keep playing around and fearlessly exploring what Landshape can do!

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